Litter is unsightly. It destroys the natural beauty of Lyon County’s roadsides. Litter is expensive. Minnesota spends $ 2 Million a year picking up litter and that doesn’t count what cities and counties spend. Scenic and litter-free highways say "welcome" to visitors and make us proud to be Minnesotans.
Adopt -A- Highway is a public service program for volunteers to pick up litter along Lyon County’s highways. It’s a way for environmentally conscious citizens to make a personal contribution to a cleaner environment.
How Does it Work?
Community groups, churches or businesses adopt a highway by picking up litter on both sides of the highway for at least two years. Lyon County will help your group select a highway to adopt. Roads that have heavy traffic or are inaccessible to pedestrians will not be eligible. Your group’s representative will sign an agreement on behalf of your group. All participants must review the safety information provided by Lyon County before every pickup. Participants must be 12 years old, unless specifically permitted. Participants 18 years old or younger must have adequate adult supervision. Groups shall arrange pickup dates in advance with the Lyon County Highway Department. Work may not be allowed on or near holidays. Groups shall leave filled trash bags along the roadside as specified by the Lyon County Highway Department. Groups are encouraged to recycle materials for their own benefit. Adopt -A- Highway groups agree to adopt a highway for a minimum of two years, select a segment of highway at least 2 miles in length, Pick up litter at least 3 times a year and deposit filled bags at the nearest highway shop. Lyon County agrees to provide high visibility vests, trashbags and safety information, remove large, heavy or hazardous items, erect a highway sign to recognize your group’s cleanup efforts. If you’d like to adopt a highway, call the Lyon County Highway Department at (507) 532-8205
Adopt A Highway